Emanuel Leplin Oil Paintings

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These paintings were executed in the normal fashion

Carmel Valley 1955

Carmel Valley 1955

Berkeley House

Berkeley House

Bridge in Santa Cruz

Bridge in Santa Cruz

Oakland House

Oakland House

Below Cliff House

Below Cliff House

San Francisco Backyard

San Francisco Backyard

Regal Beer

Regal Beer

San Francisco street

San Francisco street

These paintings were done with a brush in Leplin's teeth.

Carmel Mission

Carmel Mission

Coit Tower

Coit Tower

Cement Plant

Cement Plant

Fishing Boat

Fishing Boat



Red and White Ship

Red and White Ship

Farm Field

Farm Field





The Haas Lilienthal House

The Haas Lilienthal House

Flowers in Vase

Flowers in Vase



Princeton Harbor

Princeton Harbor

San Francisco Cityscape

San Francisco Cityscape

Barn with Red Roof

Barn with Red Roof

Mini Starry Night

Mini Starry Night

Victorian House 2

Victorian House 2

House on Steiner Street

House on Steiner Street

Purple Flowers

Purple Flowers

Red flowers

Red flowers

Self Portrait

Self Portrait

White Flowers

White Flowers

Tree and Barn

Tree and Barn

The Man in the Green Suit

The Man in the Green Suit

View Down California Street

View Down California Street

Updated: 13/05/2020